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The Future of AI: Toward Truly Intelligent Artificial Intelligences

el futuro de la IA

This article contains some reflections about artificial intelligence (AI). First, the distinction between strong and weak AI and the related concepts of general and specific AI is made, making it clear that all existing manifestations of AI are weak and specific. The main existing models are briefly described, insisting on the importance of corporality as a key aspect to achieve AI of a general nature. Also discussed is the need to provide common-sense knowledge to the machines in order to move toward the ambitious goal of building general AI. The paper also looks at recent trends in AI based on the analysis of large amounts of data that have made it possible to achieve spectacular progress very recently, also mentioning the current difficulties of this approach to AI. The final part of the article discusses other issues that are and will continue to be vital in AI and closes with a brief reflection on the risks of AI.


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Turning Knowledge into Health

This article contains some reflections about artificial intelligence (AI). First, the distinction between strong and weak AI and the related concepts of general and specific AI is made, making it clear that all existing manifestations of AI are weak and specific. The main existing models are briefly described, insisting on the importance of corporality as a key aspect to achieve AI of a general nature. Also discussed is the need to provide common-sense knowledge to the machines in order to move toward the ambitious goal of building general AI. The paper also looks at recent trends in AI based on the analysis of large amounts of data that have made it possible to achieve spectacular progress very recently, also mentioning the current difficulties of this approach to AI. The final part of the article discusses other issues that are and will continue to be vital in AI and closes with a brief reflection on the risks of AI.


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A Decade of Transformation in Robotics


By customizing and democratizing the use of machines, we bring robots into the forefront. Pervasive integration of robots in the fabric of everyday life may mean that everyone could rely on a robot to support their physical tasks, just like we have come to rely on applications for computational tasks. As robots move from our imaginations into our homes, offices, and factory floors, they will become the partners that help us do so much more than we can do alone. Whether in how we move, what we build, where we do it, or even the fundamental building blocks of creation, robotics will enable a world of endless possibility.


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The Biological Breakthrough of CRISPR-Based Gene Editing

Few discoveries transform a discipline overnight, but scientists today can manipulate cells in ways hardly imaginable before, thanks to a peculiar technology known as CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats). From elegant studies that deciphered how CRISPRs function in bacteria, researchers quickly uncovered the biological potential of Cas9, an RNA-guided DNA cleaving enzyme, for gene editing. Today, this core capability is being harnessed for a wide variety of ambitious applications, including agricultural improvement, the elimination of infectious diseases, and human therapeutics. CRISPR technology may indeed herald cures to certain genetic diseases and cancer, but so too could it be used to engineer heritable genetic changes in human embryos. What will we choose to do with this awesome power?


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Climate Change: Humanity at a Crossroads

colapso climático-climate change-humanidad en una encrucijada-Climate Change Humanity at a Crossroads

Climate change—or perhaps more aptly, climate breakdown—is the greatest challenge facing humanity today. Fossil fuel is entangled in every aspect of modern life, but burning it releases carbon dioxide, an invisible gas that warms the Earth via infrared absorption and remains in the atmosphere for thousands of years. By 2018, warming of about 1.2°C beyond the preindustrial baseline has already caused unacceptable impacts, but these impacts will worsen precipitously as warming proceeds. The previous decade saw progress in climate science, but it also saw a procession of devastating climate-change-related natural disasters affecting both humans and nonhumans. While humanity’s sense of urgency is growing, it remains far below the level required to avoid catastrophic warming that would threaten civilization as we know it.


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The Past Decade and the Future of Globalization

For globalization to deliver to its full potential, all governments should take more seriously the essential insight provided by economics that open markets need to be accompanied by policies that make their impact less disruptive and more beneficially inclusive for the population at large. The real dilemmas must be acknowledged and acted upon, and not evaded as is done when tweaking trade policy is wrongly alleged to be the instrument to address unacceptable social ills.


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Gender Inequalities: “Past” Issues and Future Possibilities

This article is concerned with the question of progress made on gender issues in a global context, specifically in terms of how far gender equality has been achieved, or not, in the past decade. It also reflects on how we might tackle one of the most pressing social, economic, and political issues of our times and effectively address this in the next decade and beyond. In so doing, it also considers the effects of political, social, and economic shifts on women’s (but also men’s) lives in both global and everyday contexts. In addition, how individuals and groups are resisting and challenging gender inequalities and attempting to intervene and correct the causes and consequences of gendered power imbalances will be discussed.


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The Past Decade and the Future of the Global Economy


The global financial crisis of 2008 was widely seen as heralding the death of globalization. But, to paraphrase a remark widely attributed to the American novelist Mark Twain, “reports of its demise were greatly exaggerated.” Now, however, over a decade after the crisis, globalization hangs in the balance, as President Trump threatens tariffs on imports from a variety of US trading partners and challenges the norms of late-twentieth-century multilateralism, and as nationalist politicians of different stripes ascend to power in a growing number of countries. This chapter asks whether these unilateralist, nationalist trends appearing to constitute a serious threat to globalization are a temporary aberration—and if so accounts for their incidence and timing—or whether they in fact herald the much-anticipated retreat from globalization.


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Behavioral Economics: Past, Present, and Future


Consolidated by the award of the 2017 Economics Nobel Prize to behavioral economist Richard Thaler, behavioral economics is enjoying a golden age. It combines a diverse range of insights from across the social sciences—including economists’ powerful analytical tools alongside rich evidence about real human behavior from other social sciences—especially psychology and sociology. This article explores the evolution of behavioral economics and some key behavioral insights about incentives and motivations; social influences—including social learning, peer pressure, and group-think; heuristics and biases; decision-making under risk and uncertainty; present bias and procrastination; and nudging policy tools. These all illustrate how behavioral economics provides businesses and policy makers with a rich understanding of how real people think, choose, and decide.


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The Past, Present and Future of Economic Development


This overview considers the past, the present, and the future of economic development. It begins with the conceptualization, definition, and measurement of economic development, highlighting that a narrow focus on the economic is inadequate to capture development and even, paradoxically, economic development itself. Key aspects of economic and human development over the past seven decades are then outlined, and the current landscape is described. The paper then considers the future of economic development, highlighting the challenges faced by developing countries, especially the opportunities and risks provided by the recent downward global trend in the share of labor in overall economic activity.


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