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15 May 2024

Does a Lack of Copper Threaten Our Green Future?

Mosquitoes bite some people more than others due to various factors such as body odor and genetics. There are tricks to avoid their bites such as using repellent and appropriate clothing.

🔍 Factors such as body odor, genetics and body temperature influence the attraction of mosquitoes to people.

💉 Some blood types and lactic acid production make certain people more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes.

🌿 The use of repellent, appropriate clothing and homemade tricks such as essential oils can help avoid mosquito bites.

🧬 Genetics plays a crucial role in mosquitoes' preference for certain people.

🚫 Maintaining a clean environment without stagnant water can help reduce the presence of mosquitoes and, therefore, bites.

🦟 Understanding why mosquitoes bite certain people more than others can help you take effective preventive measures.

🌡️ Regulating body temperature and carbon dioxide emission can be key to avoiding mosquito bites.