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Start The Challenge of the Strangest Beasts
21 September 2019

The Challenge of the Strangest Beasts

Estimated reading time Time 2 to read

Our planet is full of life – ife that is full of differences. And every corner of this planet gives the species something that sets them apart. In some cases, we find ourselves with creatures that seem to have come out of horror movies or perhaps they were the subject of these movies. In others, the results of evolution are interesting and pleasant, resulting in wonderful animals we would all like to have as pets.

For example, the common tube-nosed fruit bat, a strange winged mammal that lives in the rainforests of Papua New Guinea. Many have compared it to the adorable Jedi Master from the saga. Or the panda ant, which isn’t an ant at all, but a wingless wasp. 

Photo credits: Piotr Naskrecki, Conservation International
Photo credits: Piotr Naskrecki, Conservation International


If you are a regular reader of OpenMind and enjoy learning about the animal kingdom, we offer you the challenge of this crossword puzzle.

  1. The aye-aye is a primate that belongs to the biological family of the lemurs, with a weird-looking thin and bony middle finger. Where are they native to?
  2. The platypus is endemic to Oceania and is one of the five extant species of monotremes, also known as…
  3. This pelican has the third longest beak of all living birds and abnormally large feet. What is its common name?
  4. Mammals covered in overlapping scales, capable of curling themselves up into a tightly armored ball, very closely related to the Covid-19 pandemic.
  5. Peculiar marsupials that produce cube-shaped poo.
  6. This amphibian is endemic to the Mexico Valley, and reach adulthood retaining all the features of its juvenile phase.
  7. This shark has a flattened snout under which can distend its jaw way in front of its body and then snap it back.
  8. This animal is a unique member of the family of dipodids, can be found in deserts and looks like a cross between a mouse and a kangaroo.
  9. The Aguara, endemic to South America, covered in a dense reddish coat is one of the largest….
  10. This winged mammal lives in the jungles of Papua New Guinea, that kind of reminds some people of a certain character of the Star Wars saga. Which character would that be?

Paz Palacios

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