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Start Green Agenda: A Year to Celebrate the Planet
02 January 2024

Green Agenda: A Year to Celebrate the Planet

This ‘green agenda’ is a call to action, designed to raise awareness of the challenges and opportunities of sustainable development. For each month, we pinpoint key environmental events, such as World Environment Education Day, World Water Day and the International Day of Forests

Remember that every action counts. Together, we can transform our world. 

January 26

World Environmental Education Day

The main objective of this day is to identify environmental issues at both the global and local levels and to raise awareness among people and governments of the need to participate in conserving and protecting the environment.

January 28

International Reducing CO2 Emissions Day

This day was designated by the United Nations (UN) to raise awareness and sensitize citizens about climate change and the environmental impacts it causes.

February 2

World Wetlands Day

This day has been celebrated since 1997 in commemoration of the signing of the Convention on Wetlands in Ramsar, Iran, on February 2, 1971. This convention is the first treaty on the planet relating to the conservation and wise use of wetlands. Ecosystems with great biological diversity, regulators of the water cycle and climate.

February 14

World Energy Day

Established in 1949 with the objective of promoting the use of alternative sources and reducing the use of non-renewable energies. This date also serves to raise awareness about universal access to energy and to make society aware of the importance of guaranteeing energy access at a global level.

March 3

World Wildlife Day

This day was established to celebrate and raise awareness of the benefits of wildlife species on the planet. This day also seeks to draw attention to the urgent need to combat environmental crime and the decline of species due to human activity.

March 5

World Energy Efficiency Day

This date, established during the first International Conference on Energy Efficiency, held in Austria in 1998, is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of using energy efficiently and helping to protect the planet.

March 21

International Day of Forests

The main objective of this day is to raise awareness of the importance of caring for and preserving all forest areas of the planet and thus the survival of all species.

March 22

World Water Day

This day, established by the UN in 1993, is celebrated to raise awareness about the importance of fresh water, as it is a limited resource essential for life.

March 23

World Meteorological Day

This day was established to commemorate the entry into force of the convention establishing the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

March 30

Earth Hour 2024

This movement was born in 2006 in Sydney, Australia, and since then it has become the largest symbol of the fight against climate change, with more than 190 countries and millions of people turning off the lights in their homes, businesses, buildings and most emblematic monuments for one hour.

April 22

International Mother Earth Day

It is a day when people call for the need to take care of our environment, protect ecosystems and make the whole world aware that together we can change things and make our planet a better place to live in.

April 24

International Noise Awareness Day

This campaign was created in 1996 by the Center of Hearing and Communication (CHC), and is commemorated on the last Wednesday of April each year to raise awareness of this environmental pollutant. It aims to warn about the adverse effects on people's wellbeing and health.

May 17

World Recycling Day

In 2005, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) proclaimed this date to remind us of the importance of recycling our waste, reducing the volume of waste generated and reusing materials in order to reduce our carbon footprint and improve the environment.

May 20

World Bee Day

The United Nations has designated this date to raise awareness of the importance of pollinators, the challenges they face and their role in sustainable progress.

May 22

International Day for Biological Diversity

This day was decreed by the United Nations (UN), with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity for human beings and the need to take care of it and preserve it for future generations.

June 5

World Environment Day

This day was established by the United Nations (UN) in its resolution of December 15, 1977 to raise awareness of environmental issues among the world's population, intensifying political attention and action.

June 8

World Oceans Day

This day was declared in 2008 by the United Nations General Assembly and its purpose is to inform about the impact of humans on the ocean, develop a global movement of support and unite the population in a project for the sustainable management of our seas.

June 15

Global Wind Day

This day was promoted in 2007 by the European Wind Energy Association to raise awareness and highlight the importance of wind in areas such as transportation and renewable energy generation.

June 17

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

This day is celebrated to raise awareness of international initiatives to combat these phenomena. It was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 1994 and provides us with a unique opportunity to remember that land degradation can be neutralized through the search for solutions, with strong community involvement and cooperation at all levels.

June 21

International Sun Day

Coinciding with the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, this day features prominently in agendas around the world, as events are held to raise awareness of the importance of the sun for our planet.

June 28

World Tree Day

Also known as the Tree Festival, it is celebrated to vindicate the importance of trees in the conservation of the environment. Trees are the lungs of our planet and play an essential role in releasing oxygen and transforming carbon dioxide (CO2), thus reducing the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.

July 6

International Zoonosis Day

The WHO designated this date in commemoration of the year 1885, when scientist Louis Pasteur administered the first rabies vaccine to a child who had been bitten by a rabies-infected dog. It is celebrated every year to remember the importance of preventing diseases in animals, which not only protects their health and welfare, but is also one of the most effective steps to protect people's health.

July 7

International Soil Conservation Day

This day has been celebrated since 1963 in honor of the American scientist Hugh Hammond Bennet, a pioneer in the field of soil conservation. The objective of this commemoration is to raise awareness of the importance of soil conservation as a resource and its implication in climate change.

July 26

International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem

This day is celebrated to raise awareness about the importance of mangrove ecosystems and to promote solutions for their conservation. Mangroves are unique and vulnerable ecosystems that contribute to the well-being and food security of coastal communities around the world. They also maintain a rich biodiversity, act as a natural coastal defense and are highly effective carbon sinks.

September 7

International Clean Air Day for a blue sky

This day was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2020. Its main objective is to increase the international community's interest in clean air and to emphasize the need to improve air quality to protect human health and eradicate high levels of air pollution. The aim is to research, develop, improve and implement new practices to improve air quality and contribute to the well-being of the world's population.

September 16

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

This day was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1994 with the main objective of raising awareness of the harmful effects that the destruction of the ozone layer would cause worldwide and to commemorate the signing of the Montreal Protocol that regulates the substances that cause its depletion.

September 22

World Car Free Day

This initiative began in Europe in the 1970s to reduce the use of automobiles in the face of the oil crisis that led to the need to seek alternatives to fossil fuels. Car-free days were organized in 1994 and in 1998 this world day was established as part of Mobility Week. This day is a call to citizens to leave this means of transportation for a day and try new means of transportation.

September 25

World Rivers Day

This global celebration observed every fourth Sunday in September was enacted in 2005 by the United Nations to stimulate public awareness and encourage better stewardship of all the world's rivers.

September 26

World Maritime Day

This day has been celebrated on the last Thursday of September every year since 1948 to pay tribute to the people who have dedicated their lives to trade by sea and to make their great work visible, with the aim of encouraging and facilitating the general adoption of the highest practicable standards in matters relating to maritime safety, the efficiency of navigation and the prevention and containment of marine pollution caused by ships.

September 29

International Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day

This day was established by the UN in 2019 with the aim of preventing food from being wasted, as it is a scarce commodity, especially in those countries where poverty rates are increasing every day. A call to action is made to both the public sector (national and local authorities) and the private sector (companies and individuals) to prioritize and move forward with innovation to reduce food loss and waste.

October 4

Animal Day

On this date, animal life in all its forms is celebrated and special events are planned around the world. Blessings to animals are performed in churches, synagogues and independent chaplains in parks and fields.

October 7

World Habitat Day

The United Nations designated the first Monday of October each year to reflect on the state of our habitats and the basic right of everyone to adequate shelter. It is also intended to remind the world that we all have the power and responsibility to shape the future of our habitats.

October 13

International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction

This day is celebrated with the objective of minimizing the risks derived from natural disasters and generating a worldwide culture of prevention and preparedness for natural phenomena.

October 16

World Food Day

This day was proclaimed in 1979 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to raise awareness of the world food problem and to strengthen solidarity in the fight against hunger, malnutrition and poverty.

October 18

Nature Protection Day

The purpose of this day is to raise public awareness of the need for environmental protection of animal species and natural areas to achieve a more sustainable future.

October 24

Climate Change Day

This date, although not recognized by the UN, urges the inhabitants of all nations to implement and develop practices that serve to stop and mitigate this global scourge.

October 31

World Cities Day

This date was established to promote interest in urbanization and foster cooperation among countries to take advantage of the opportunities and meet the challenges of urbanism, as well as to contribute to sustainable urban development worldwide.

November 5

World Tsunami Awareness Day

Since 2015, this day has been celebrated to raise awareness of the risks posed by these natural disasters and to promote measures to reduce their impact. It also serves to remind people living in tsunami-prone areas about the importance of being prepared and taking measures to minimize risks and save lives in the event of a tsunami.

November 8

World Town Planning Day

It is celebrated in more than 30 countries on four continents to raise awareness of the need to generate healthy environments with green spaces to avoid overcrowding and pollution and to ensure the completion of such works.

November 29

World Day Against Consumerism (Buy Nothing Day)

On this date, activists unite against the excessive consumerism that is part of today's society. It was conceived in opposition to Black Friday, a day on which many shops launch a large number of offers and discounts.

December 1

Antarctica Day

This day is celebrated every year to commemorate the signing of the Antarctic Treaty on December 1, 1959, which updated international relations for an Antarctic continent dedicated to peace, science and the environment.

December 3

World Day for the Non-Use of Pesticides

This day was established by the Pesticide Action Network in commemoration of the death of more than 16,000 people in Bhopal (India) in 1984 due to the leakage of 27 tons of toxic methyl isocyanate gas (MIC), used in the manufacture of pesticides.

December 5

World Soil Day

Since 2014, at the proposal of FAO, this day is celebrated to draw attention to the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for the sustainable management of soil resources.

December 11

International Mountain Day

Since 2003, designated by the United Nations General Assembly, this day has been celebrated to raise awareness of the importance of mountains for life, to highlight the opportunities and limits of mountain development, and to build partnerships for positive change, both for mountain people and environments around the world.